Add a little bit of blue and green to your life

Blue and green has always been a unicorn of combination, as it takes you, all the way to a magical world.
When they are used together, they form a wisteria colour which is certainly heaven to our sight. Wisteria has always been a colour of royalty depicting good taste and generally goes with all neutrals like whites and greys.
Getting inspired by such beautiful colour combinations and the revolutionary styles of art “The Art Nouveau” having characteristics of undulating, asymmetrical line, often taking the form of flower stalks and buds, vine tendrils, insect wings, and other delicate and flexuous natural objects. The line may be elegant and graceful or infused with a powerfully rhythmic and whip-like force, Tarini decided to print its inspiration in the form of “Thor Wisteria”
Add luxury and warmth of Blue and Green combination to your spaces:
The wisteria bed cover not only showcases the grandeur of this room, but also pours the royalty, with Art Nouveau pattern all around.
The hint of white as a neutral works perfectly with blue and green.
A combination of royal blue vase, leafy green and the white coffee table introduces an epiphany of thoughts.
Just as we witnessed above, every colour has a different impact in accordance with where it is used. Moreover, balancing those colours in a perfect ratio is more of a task. But it just takes the perfect combination of hues to create a home out of a building.